Monday, May 11, 2015

Poetry for Summer Reading

Ah, summer--a great time for sitting around the campfire and watching the flames flicker. Summer is also a great time for reading poetry with kids. Poems can be short, bite-size reading experiences that are just perfect for sharing together. Around a campfire, around the kitchen table, or even around the backseat of a car, poetry makes for unforgettable reading experiences. Here are some of our favorites.

The Great Frog Race by Kristine O'Connell George

Doesn't the cover of this book just look like summer? We love the poems in this book because they just capture the feeling of a summer night. When families read poems together, you can try passing the book around, letting each person read a poem of their choice. You could also leave a book of poetry on the kitchen table all day for family members to read at their leisure, and then share favorites over dinner.

Lizards, Frogs, and Polliwogs by Douglas Florian

The poems of Douglas Florian are filled with fun word play. This book highlights different reptiles and amphibians. 

One great aspect of poetry books is that readers can skip around until they find a poem that speaks to them. If you are sharing this book with your kids, you might notice that they gravitate to specific poems. This brings up a great discussion point--which poems do you like, and why? It's always interesting to hear that different perspectives.

Dark Emperor and Other Poems of the Night by Joyce Sidman

Kids who love animals will enjoy this book, which pairs poems about night creatures with short informational texts about the different animals. This would be a great book to enjoy on a camping trip!

Poems on Video
Performance is an important aspect of poetry. Listening to poems read aloud is a good way for kids to become familiar with the sounds of poems. Disney has made a series of poems read aloud called "A Poem Is..." You can find the poems beginning at about the 30 second mark in each video.

These are fun to watch together. Adults and kids can talk about how the video selected to go along with the poem impacts your understanding of the poem. Do you like the video, or do you think it detracts from the poem?

What poems have you discovered that make you think of summer?

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